
Flipster logo

Flipster is a digital magazine solution that makes it easy to read your favorite magazines on your computer or mobile device.   Flipster offers unlimited simultaneous viewing of many popular magazines. This opportunity is available to MOREnet Members because of the current contract for MasterFILE and Academic Search. If you purchase any EBSCO serials services you may be eligible for additional discounts.

Accessing Flipster is Easy

– Simple sign-in so no additional accounts are needed.

– Access Flipster from any computer, laptop or mobile device as long as you are connected to the Internet. Click on the Flpster link to easily access a site where you can brose available magazines. You can click on a magazine to view it within our browser. 

– Access off line by using the Flipster app (iPad or iPad Mini). Once downloaded you can select the “Open in App” option to download the magazine to the app where it can be read and managed offline. An Android app is in development.

Pricing and Ordering Information

For pricing, ordering, and additional details please go to MyMOREnet and click the Pricing tab at the bottom.