
Gale LegalForms logo

Features and Benefits

Take the law into your own hands and create accurate, reliable legal documents with no hassle or stress. With LegalForms from Gale you will have an electronic resource designed to simplify the way legal documents are prepared and utilized.

LegalForms is comprehensive database where various types of legal documents are made available. These forms are officially approved forms actually used at a typical law firm and very different from those documents found in form books or the generic, do-it-yourself documents that may not have been drafted by an attorney.  Completed sample forms are also included. 


This service is available to MOREnet Members who are not currently purchasing this service from Gale.

Trial Access

A free trial is available upon request. 

Pricing and Additional Information

For more information, to request a free trial or to subscribe to LegalForms contact April Angel at 303.325.6833 or or Josh or at 1-800-877-4253 x 18820.