Similar content to the existing MOREnet online resource LearningExpress Library but contains a third more additional resources! Contains resources for Academic, skill building, test prep and career related resources all in one online platform. Includes tests, tutorials, microlessons, eBooks, articles, flash cards. New in LearningExpress is Microlessons which are short, interactive lessons that make it easy for learners to develop their reading and math skills at their own pace.
Targeted Learning Centers:
• College admissions and placement exam prep (ACT®, SAT®, AP®, SAT Subject Tests™ and TOEFL iBT®).• Academic skills improvement for 4th grade skills-level through college (reading, writing, math, science).
• Graduate school admissions exam prep (DAT®, GRE®, GMAT®, LSAT®, MAT®, MCAT® and PCAT®).
• Adult learning (reading, writing, math) with U.S. citizenship test prep.
• High school equivalency test prep (GED®, HiSET® and TASC™).
• Spanish-language content available for academic skills improvement as well as GED® and U.S. citizenship test prep.
• Occupational certification exam prep for careers in nursing and allied health, military, law enforcement, education and the trades.
• Computer tutorials on using computers, navigating the internet and becoming proficient with popular software programs from Microsoft and Adobe.
Product Features:
- Easy-to-use website navigation.
- Responsive design for mobile devices.
- Guidance pages and personalized learning roadmap.
- Individualized study plans.
- Secure personal portfolio.
- Timed and untimed practice tests.
- Instant test scoring.
- Detailed answer explanations.
- Downloadable e-books.
- Unlimited remote access.
- Detailed administrative reporting.
LeaningExpress Library Complete brochure
LearningExpress video tutorials
EBSCO LearningExpress Quick Start Guide
Promotion Kit